Module 1: Introduction to Programming and Computer Languages
What is Programming?
Definition and importance of programming
Types of programming languages (high-level, low-level)
Compiled vs. interpreted languages
Overview of Programming Languages
Key characteristics of popular languages (C, C++, Python, Java, JavaScript)
Choosing the right language for a project
Module 2: C Programming
Introduction to C
History and features of C
Setting up a C environment
Basics of C Programming
Syntax, data types, and variables
Operators (arithmetic, relational, logical)
Control Structures in C
Conditional statements: if, else, switch
Loops: for, while, do-while
Module 3: C++ Programming
Introduction to C++
C++ as an extension of C
Key features of C++ (object-oriented programming, polymorphism, encapsulation)
Basics of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and objects
Constructors and destructors
Inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism
Standard Template Library (STL)
Containers (vector, map, list)
Iterators and algorithms
Module 4: Python Programming
Introduction to Python
Features and applications of Python
Setting up Python and IDEs (IDLE, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebooks)
Python Basics
Variables, data types, and operators
Basic I/O in Python
Control Flow in Python
Conditional statements (if-elif-else)
Loops (for, while)
List comprehensions
Functions and Modules
Defining functions and using lambda expressions
Importing and creating modules
Using built-in functions and libraries