SmartO – Computer Visual Trainings

Smarto VTS (Visual Training System) is a benchmark in the segment of Hindi Visual Classes in India. We have gained the status as leaders in this segment. As everyone knows that Visualization is the best methodology to teach and learn anything in the universe. What we visualize is more effective than we read and listen. That’s why the whole world is moving towards the Visual Methodology for teaching and learning.

These days most of the schools and colleges are now equipped with Projectors and LCDs in order to visualize the concepts of Science & Mathematics and teach theme easily. Then why should we lag behind in teaching Computers and English. Computers and English are the most important disciplines to make a student Smart and thus the SmartO Systems came into existence.

What is Smarto’s Visual Trainings?

Smarto Systems offer Visual Trainings via pre-build Video Lectures in Hindi. We emphasize more on quality teaching in depth. Most of the topics are explained in full depth, i.e. we have tried that nothing should be left while teaching a course. We teach every tab and every option in every computer software.

Classes are conducted on Projectors/LCDs/or Individual PCs using Headphones. Every Subject and every topic is recorded with Hindi Explanations and required Animations to make the things clear and understandable.

Visual Trainings are provided by 2 methods

Offline: Via Smarto One Player, all the encrypted videos are downloaded using Smarto Disk or direct web links, and played in Smarto One Player. The viewer require Login ID to watch the videos, and and 1 login ID can be registered only on 1 PC/Mobile. Videos and Player can be downloaded from this link.

Online: All the content can also be watched at Students can register and enjoy the video/pdf without downloading.